2014年4月14日 中美英才班同学参加加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学招生说明会
April 15, 2014 UEI Elite Program Students Attended The Presentation of The University of British Columbia
The University of British Columbia(UBC), established in 1908, is one of Canada’s leading research universities and is consistently ranked among the top 40 in the world. The university has two major campuses, Vancouver Campus and Okanagan Campus. The Director of International Admission of UBC visited CMIS in the afternoon on April 15, 2014. The director gave students a presentation of UBC at the Lecture Hall of International Program. UEI Elite Program students attended UBC’s presentation as well. She introduced UBC to students in aspects as its location, transportation, ranking, scale, facility, clubs, admission requirement, tuition and fees, financial and educational assistance with her cracking sense of humor. At the end of the meeting, some students raised a few questions, and the director answered them patiently. And UEI Elite Program students who are interested in UBC wrote down their names and telephone numbers on the tablet.