
7月15日 四川大学周教授来访中美英才班

时间: 2014年10月23日 来源: UEI中美英才班 作者: UEI中美英才班

2014年7月15日 四川大学周教授来访中美英才班

      2014年7月15日上午10点50分,四川大学历史文化学院的周教授受邀来访中美英才班。本月中美英才班的高二同学们正在上暑期课程,UEI的总裁Dan Plaut和总监Misha Cao为了丰富同学们的课程内容,在炎炎夏日增添一些乐趣,特意邀请了四川大学的周教授为大家带来一场以“中美文化对比”为主题的实用又幽默的演讲。周教授以其丰富的海外人生阅历、充实的演讲内容、生动幽默的演讲方式赢得在座师生的阵阵掌声与笑声,最重要的是拓宽、刷新了同学们对美国社会、美国文化的认知。演讲结束时,整个教室爆发出热烈而持久的掌声,表达了对周教授的演讲的喜爱和谢意。

July 15, 2014 Professor Zhou of Sichuan University Visit Sino-US Elite Program

July 15, 2014, Professor Zhou from School of History & Culture of Sichuan University was invited to visit Sino-US Elite Program at 10:50 a.m. Gaoer students are spending the month at the Summer Intensive English Camp of Sino-US Elite Program, the CEO Dan Plaut and the Managing Director Misha Cao of UEI invited Professor Zhou specially come to give students an useful and humorous lecture in the theme of Comparison of Chinese & American Culture, to enrich the classes, and to have some fun during the summer session. Professor Zhou received sustained applause and laughters from students and teachers for his wealth of overseas experiences, great content, vivid and humorous speech style without being murky. The most important is students’ knowledge about American society and American culture got broadened and refreshed. When the lecture was over, there were standing ovations filling the classroom, students and teachers showed their love and thanks for Professor Zhou’s wonderful speech.

